Cheat Sheet - doctl

Cheat Sheet - doctl

doctl is a command-line interface for the DigitalOcean API.

You can find official documentation following the link.


Go to Releases Page and download the appropriate archive. Extract the binary file and move to the path

sudo mv doctl /usr/local/bin

You can also use package managers if you prefer. Full documentation is provided on the GitHub page above.


You need to create an access token by following this link. After generating a key run:

doctl auth init

And copy it. If everything goes fine you will see the Validating token: OK message.


To review doctl bash completion:

doctl completion bash

To enable the configuration, add the following line to your .profile or .bashrc.

source <(doctl completion bash)

Save K8s Config

First list available clusters:

doctl kubernetes cluster list

And then save configuration file by received cluster name:

doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save $CLUSTER_NAME